EO Detroit December Member Spotlight: Rob Dube, Image One President

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Get to know Rob Dube, EO Detroit member, president of Image One and all-around amazing guy! He’s this month’s member spotlight. Way to go, Rob!

What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
Creativity, resourcefulness, drive, and discipline

How do you generate new ideas?
My good friend and mentor, Gino Wickman, taught me to take focus time once every couple of weeks to clear my head and think big. As a student of the Strategic Coach, I learned to take “down time” each year when I don’t think about business at all. This break allows for my brain to re-energize and come back with bigger and better ideas!

Name one business failure and what have you learned from it?
Early on, we lost a large client and I tried to use my network to go above the head of my contact instead of dealing with him directly. He was rightfully upset and I learned from that experience that it is better to keep relationships strong, as you never know what will happen.

What is your greatest business fear, and how do you manage it?
Letting my team down. We set big goals and encourage our team members at Image One to do the same. Our goal at Image One is to enhance the lives of those around us. I’m mindful of this each day as I constantly think of ways not only to accomplish this, but to exceed what is possible. Although I realize that anything I or we do is moving toward that goal, I never want to disappoint.

How do you define success?
That I’m happy with where I’m at today; growing personally and professionally; and constantly moving towards enhancing the lives of those around me.

What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
Consistently being recognized for our strong culture by our team, our customers, in the community and through business and industry awards. After selling our business to a public company and eventually getting it back, we became passionate about our culture and giving back to the community in a big way. We set goals around both, for example to give back $1 million to the autistic community and to be honored as a best place to work (we’ve been honored as a best place to work and still working hard at getting to that $1 million dollar goal to autism!).

What is one thing that no one knows about you?
I’m a pretty open book, but some might be surprised to know that I meditate for more than an hour a day and have a vegan/plant-based diet.

Excluding yours, what company or business do you admire the most?
Joel (my best friend and business partner) and I started frequenting Zingerman’s Deli in Ann Arbor, MI when we were 18 years old. We would marvel at their customer service, process and quality. Ari Weinzweg, one of the founders, was a mentor unknowingly to us for many years. In 2006, I met him and got to share the story of the impact that he and Zingerman’s had on me. I’m grateful to be able to call him a friend now – he also included us in his book, A Lapsed Anarchist’s Approach to Building a Great Business, which was a real thrill.

What is your favorite EO memory?
My forum was on retreat in northern Michigan during the NBA playoffs. The Detroit Pistons were playing the Cleveland Cavaliers in Cleveland, and we intended to watch the game that evening. Someone got the bright idea that we should hop on a plane and attend the game in person and come back that same evening. It was whimsical and fun – and the Pistons won, which helped! But my real favorite was a retreat we did in Sedona, AZ, where we explored and experienced the true depth of us as individuals and of our relationship as a forum.

What is your favorite place in or thing about Detroit?
I love how resourceful and real our community is. People have many misconceptions about the D, but the reality is once they come here they are often surprised by how genuine the people are and that we are an active community with many amazing things going on. On weekends, I love to grab a coffee at Astro in Corktown, take a walk around midtown, and have lunch at Detroit Vegan Soul over by Indian Village.

In one (or three) word(s), characterize your life as an entrepreneur.
Fun! Freedom! Flow!


Connect with Image One online – 

On the Website: www.imageoneway.com
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheImageOneWay
On Twitter: @ImageOneWay


Lead Like Everyone is Watching

Leading is done best when it’s done by example. We don’t really realize how impressionable other team members, employees or peers are until we see our own habits, quirks and speech emulated in their day-to-day actions. So, how do you best lead by example? Here are a few ways that will leave a valuable impression:

Listen. Ask questions. Seek to understand. You’ll receive valuable insights and set a tone that encourages healthy conversation and progress.

Get your hands dirty. Be willing to do anything you’d ask your employees to do. You don’t have to be the most best at it, but get in there and mop the floors when you need to make an impact. Leaders have many responsibilities, but it is important to work alongside your team. This is a great way to build trust and continue to develop your own knowledge and skills.

Be open to change. If you want to affect positive change, you must be a champion of it. If you want the change to be successful, you must lead people toward it. This goes beyond major projects. Are you open to trying new things? Are you flexible in your approaches?

Lead like everyone is watching, because it’s like that they all are. To building a better business!

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